Psychic REading


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Readings To Heal Your Life!

Psychic readings offer a “behind the scenes” look at your life, and provide insights you can’t see from your own vantage point.
Readings with me involve looking at your life from your soul’s perspective. “Spirit” will guide you, point out opportunities, clear challenges, and keep you on track with your life plan. Essentially, they unravel your problems for you, and provide clarity and healing.



During the reading, you’ll share your current struggle or concern that you’d like clarity on. (feeling stuck, relationship challenges, physical ailment, parenting stress, etc.)
Here’s what you’ll get :
1. Input from the spirit world on the cause of your issue, and what you can do to move forward or reach a solution.
2. Life Coaching tools to identify the belief systems you carry that are working against you, to shift your thought process towards positive change. 
3. The benefit of identifying and releasing old emotions from your body and energy field. 


Psychic Guidance Readings are 60 minutes via zoom. Cost $200